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How old is your company? If it’s more than a few years old, it might be time to take a look at your brand and determine if it needs some botox or a facelift. A brand isn’t just your logo; it’s your entire business image, the front-facing parts of your company that your target market sees. Your logo, website, marketing material, social media, blogs, and even emails encompass your brand as a whole, and more often than not, brands tend to stray from the original vision unless they are monitored by a brand team. 

Isn’t changing your brand a bad thing?

No. Let’s nip this in the bud, early. The world’s most iconic brands, including Coca-Cola, Mercedes and Saint Laurent Paris have all experienced brand changes, with the latter being the most dramatic change. In the case of Saint Laurent Paris, which you would probably recognise as YSL or Yves Saint Laurent, they decided to ditch their branding from 1966 and refresh to something more modern. If an established fashion cornerstone can update their brand, then so can you. 

But my business is less than five years old!

While brands that are less than five years old are still relatively new in the business world, it’s still important to note where that brand stands. Every year, newer businesses should do a simple audit, looking at where their brand is positioned, where they want to be and how far away they are from their goals. Newer and smaller businesses tend to work without lots of red tape or strategies and more along the lines of instinct, which isn’t a bad thing entirely but it can veer the brand off course easily; so yes, your new business should take a long look at your brand and positioning and make an game plan to get back on track to hit those milestones! 

What exactly is a brand facelift anyway? 

As explained earlier, your brand is everything that your customers can see and interact with: logos, slogans, websites, social media, content, emails, blogs, packaging, etc., and this also includes customer service (think about the difference in service at Primark versus Gucci, or a used car dealership versus a Bentley showroom). 

However the most popular brand facelifts are logo refreshes. Established global brands look at their symbol and develop an elaborate plan to update the logo in increments, spanning over years. Smaller brands without guidance tend to just wake up one day and release a whole new look and colour scheme, shocking customers rather than creating subtle change. Most of our clients who come to us for logo refreshes aren’t massive brands like Coca Cola, but they are established SMEs who need to transition from one to another, while being cost effective. For newer SMEs, it’s because their first logo wasn’t the best, and they need an updated brand that gives them the polish they need to take their business to the next level. For more established SMEs, it’s because their brand plateaued and they need something fresher to elevate their brand.

TILT brand refreshes start with an audit of everything a customer engages with and a desired location of where the company wants to be. Then we work backwards, tracking how we get from A to B, and fill in the blanks. Most times, unless the brand colours are not suitable, we keep the consistency with colouring to dampen shockwaves. 

If your brand just doesn’t look like your company is worth billions on the stock market and you’ve plateaued, then it’s time for a refresh to push your business up the ladder. TILT is the agency to do exactly that. 

About TILT Creative Agency 

TILT Creative is a UK based creative agency specialising in content creation and managed solutions for blogging, websites, branding and design. Désiré, the chief writer, artist and strategist behind TILT Creative Agency, has worked with a variety of clients (from startups to luxury brands) across all kinds of industries (such as automotive, beverage, construction, oil and gas, tourism, and health and safety) all over the world, including the United Kingdom, Dubai, Africa, America and the Caribbean.

TILT Creative’s core philosophy is to change the perspective, or ‘tilt’ it. How can you TILT your business? Could it be a brand refresh, a better experience on your website, or perhaps a stronger blog strategy? Maybe writing a book on your expertise could skyrocket your company’s credibility and revenue? 

Désiré’s work quality stems from her ability to infuse your brand’s story with the essence of abstract creativity, and disseminate a unique experience that stimulates the senses to your customers on an individual level, while meeting your business’ objectives. Her comprehensive research process, attention to detail, and pursuit of perfection embellishes every piece of her work: writing and design. The results are always favourable.

Ready to TILT your business? Find out more at www.TILTcreative.agency or send an email to [email protected].

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